Terms and Conditions

Return and Exchange Policy:

We hope you are happy with our quality handmade products, but in case you need to return or exchange your purchases, here is the Return and Exchange policy.

1.  All returns and exchanges need to happen within 30 days.  When does the clock start?   When products are shipped from Paper Butterfly Forge LLC.  When is a return initiated?  When a return is requested from zuffyrobot@gmail.com.

2.  All returns will be processed using the same currency that it was purchased in.  All payments will be sent to the same credit card, paypal, or other payment account that the purchase was made on.

3.  For return payments, products need to be in their original and unopened condition and  purchased from Paper Butterfly Forge LLC.    If the products become damaged during shipment, please send pictures of the damaged products.  Payments will be processed after the product is received at Paper Butterfly Forge LLC.  Keep in mind that some electronic payment vendors (paypal, specifically) can take up to a week to process refunds or credits.

4.  Please contact zuffyrobot@gmail.com to confirm return status before returning.  If you include pictures of the damaged product that would speed up the return process.  Please include the invoice number, shipping address and the reason for the return.

5.  It is Madrona Pencil’s goal to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.  If we miss this self imposed deadline, you will not be penalized during the return or exchange process.

6.  Returns and Snail Mail should be sent to the address that it was shipped from.

We strive to make purchase process a common sense process.  We want you to receive a quality pencil set.  If you have any questions prior to purchasing, please send the questions to zuffyrobot@gmail.com.